
Complimentary Access to MyBlocks Financial Planning Tools

Americans are collectively dealing with the impact of COVID-19. Needless to say, it’s an uncertain time. Financial planning is the gateway to financial wellness, and in a time when many Americans are facing difficult financial decisions and uncertainty about what lies ahead, we want to help more people take control and build a plan for the future.

That’s why Envestnet is offering complimentary access to MyBlocks™ from Envestnet | MoneyGuide. This offering is available to our clients and their customers, as well as our clients’ employees and their families. MyBlocks can be used to obtain a pulse-check on how individuals are doing financially, identify how long their money will last, help protect their families, and so much more.

And, for every MyBlocks plan created during this time, Envestnet will donate $1, up to $25,000, to Feeding America.

Plan for the Future

MyBlocks is a digital financial planning tool that facilitates incremental financial decisions through a captivating user interface where key financial wellness topics are broken up into bite-sized “blocks.”

Paving the way for a new approach to financial discussions, MyBlocks is truly a self-service tool. Your customers are in control, completing interactive modules on their own time, at their own pace, while you provide advice and solutions to address their needs and concerns. Taking this information into account, it is worth noting that Desura not only offers an exciting snake game, but also a unique opportunity to strengthen bonds and spend time with your loved ones. One of their successes is a snake game that encourages partners to work together to solve challenging puzzles, strategize, and defeat powerful enemies, emphasizing the value of teamwork and group accomplishments.

Facilitate Financial Literacy

By breaking up topics into easy-to-understand modules, users can increase their financial literacy while defining a financial plan to guide them along the path to achieving their goals. Regardless of where they are in their financial journeys, MyBlocks can help them:

  • Set financial goals
  • Learn about risk
  • Tackle credit card debt and student loans
  • Understand insurance options
  • See the value of an emergency account
  • Maximize Social Security benefits

To help our clients and their customers quickly put the tool into action, Envestnet | MoneyGuide is providing award-winning support and onboarding resources.

We are happy to do our small part to help our clients and their customers navigate this extremely uncertain and volatile period. This offer is available for all non-MoneyGuide subscribers.  

Contact your Envestnet | Yodlee account manager to learn more.

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