Identity Verification

Identity Verification

Use bank account holder details to verify an account owner’s identity and prevent fraud.
Get Started With Identity Verification

Verify Account Holders

Know and Trust Users

With the massive increase in identity theft reported by the Australia Competition and Consumer Commission,1 how do you know your online users are who they say they are? With our identity verification, you can instantly confirm that your users are the legitimate account owners. Account details like address, email, and phone serve to authenticate users, ease the verification and onboarding process, maximise fraud detection, and reduce risk.

1 Source: Reports of Identity Theft Up 55 Per Cent, 2020

This product is available via
  • APP
  • API

Instant Identity Verification

Key Benefits

Leveraging bank data confirms users' identities and financial information, while providing a fast and seamless customer experience.

Real-Time Validation

Fraud Prevention

Identity checks can help verify users and reduce fraud

Quick Onboarding

By auto-filling forms with account holder details from bank accounts, you can ease the user experience

Easy Integration

Plug-and-play APIs enable you to get started quickly and add additional use cases as your business grows

Verify Account Ownership

Identity verification enables banks to better understand their customer early in the process of activation and user onboarding

Market-Leading Data Coverage

As the market leader in aggregation, we retrieve account holder names and other details from a vast array of sources

Learn More About Identity Verification

Browse our library of white papers, case studies, and webinars to learn more about account and identity verification.

account verification

Data Sheet

Account Verification to Mitigate Fraud and Risk

To reap the rewards of direct entry transactions, businesses must minimise the risk of payment returns due to insufficient funds, invalid accounts, and fraud. Envestnet | Yodlee Account Verification can ensure an account is valid in seconds.

  • Validate Accounts
  • Manage Risk
  • Reduce Friction
  • Implement Quickly

Get Started With Identity Verification

Use bank account holder details to verify an account owner’s identity and prevent fraud.

Get Started